Sunday, February 8, 2009

Guess Who I Met?


Last month, I went to California Adventure. We went past a big sign and we were just walking. My Mom said, "Hey look!! I think it's Santa!", then she went over and asked if he was really Santa. He said "of course". She asked if she could take a picture of him with me. He walked over to me and said "Hello Elias!". I said, "Thank you for my scooter!" And he said, "You're welcome!". Then he lifted me up and he was very strong. Mrs. Claus didn't look like I thought she would... she had brown hair, but I thought she had white hair. I think they were on a date and a vacation after Christmas because Christmas makes Santa Claus tired.


Sarah Sedgwick Anderson said...

Hey Elias, I think you have the best blog in the world. You are too cool for school and you rock the house. Get ready, because tomorrow you are going to play with me, Evan, at the beach and it is going to be awesome.

jen said...

Way cool Elias! Nobody I know has ever seen Santa at Disney! That is sooo awesome.

Erin said...

I am so glad to know that Santa gets a vacation after Christmas. He works so hard! I am sure he appreciated being thanked for the scooter. Most people don't see him and remember to thank after Christmas. Way to go Elias!

Shari D. Kurtz said...

Hi Elias! My name is Shari and I knew your mom a long time ago when she was in college:) I loved reading your blog! I wish I could meet you and then you and my little boy Joey could play! Maybe some day:) You are such a cutie!


Steph and Eric said...

so glad you got to see disneyland. he was here in Alaska last June. He and the Mrs. must go on a lot of vacations.

we are jealous that you get to live in california where it is so warm and beautiful. last week it was -10 here in Alaska. Brrr.

Nonna said...

That is a great picture of you and Santa! I was pretty sure that his wife had brown hair because i read somewhere that Santa married an Italian. Maybe i will get with it and put up a blog picture for you. Ciao ciao

Liz said...

Wow, that is so cool Elias! Not many kids get to see Santa in the off-season. I'm really impressed he still remembered your name and everything. How awesome! Love Auntie Liz

The Rhiens said...

Whoa, Elias! Santa at California Adventures??? You are so lucky. I bet it is so fun living by Disneyland and getting to go there and to the beach so often. What a life! I love your blog, buddie! And I love you.

Love, Aunt Earlene

Holly said...

Elias, you are so lucky you got to meet Santa Claus! I bet you are happy you live in California, where you have so many neat things to do. What is your favorite ride at California Adventures? Mine is Soaring over CA. Love it! Oh and you are getting so big!
Caleb says HI!

Maran said...

Hi Elias! Corbin wanted me to tell you Happy Valentines Day! Corbin misses playing with you. He really likes the picture of you and Santa.

Unknown said...

Elias, What a joyful experience!! To Meet Santa and Mrs. Clause! It is nice to know that they vacation also. I love your blog.


Mofra said...

Dude! are way cool! Way to go giving Sanda thanks...we should all do that!
BTW, I love the photo. You didn't look the least bit nervous!

Mofra said...

oops, I spelled his name wrong, I meant Santa! Hee Hee!!!

churchillzoo said...

Emryck and Ayden could not believe you got to meet Santa. They were very jealous. He probably wanted a break after being so busy. Where else could you be happier... the happiest place on earth of course. Hope it was a great day at Disneyland.

Linz said...

Soooo cool Elias! I think this blog rocks!

mlt said...

Hey Elias! I was really glad to see you are on your blog again. That big dude Santa reminds me of someone...oh yeah. Jack. But Santa has the best beard because it is so white! Pretty good time alright. Great to see your picture. Love. ML

Nancy said...

This is Ella. Di you ask him how many presents he delivered ?